Thursday, August 16, 2007

PINES. . .What's That?

The other day my son told me he read the library blog, and he had a question. He said, "You wrote something about PINES. What's that?" I realized, right then, there are probably others out there who don't know what PINES means. Our library staff members wear silver name tags that show a stylized pinecone and the words "Georgia Library PINES." Right underneath PINES it says in tiny letters "Public Information Network for Electronic Services." That means our library is a member of a statewide consortium (a fancy word for an association or partnership) of 252 public libraries in 123 counties. This network of electronic services offers Georgia citizens a shared catalog of more than 8 million items, with a single library card that is welcomed in all member libraries. But you know, if you're reading this blog, that means you have a computer. So, if you'll look right above where you clicked on the MCCLS Bookworm Blog, you'll see the words "More about PINES." When you click on those words, you can read about PINES, as well as EVERGREEN, our library software. And if you haven't clicked on GALILEO, you're in for a surprise! We have all kinds of great services for you. Enjoy your library!

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