Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day On The Pages Of History

What could one more blogger say about today...January 20, 2009...and a time when history is in the making right in front of our eyes?
I can say this...our director, Melody Jenkins, has set up a large television in the main lobby of our library so the public can watch the inauguration, history in the making.
I suppose I've felt like every Presidential inauguration has been a day on the pages of history. But this one is different. It is a long time in the making. A long time coming. A time when I hope we, as a nation, can see how much we really need each other in order to make our homeland what it was intended to be...the home of the free and the brave.
Did I ever expect to see the day when an African-American would become President ? Did I ever expect to see the day when a woman...white or black...would become President. No, but it has been something I've hoped for.
Wonder what kind of day on the pages of history it will be when a woman becomes President?

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