Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Goodness, But We Had Fun!

We did! We had great fun!
Despite the rainy weather, our "Books & Bar-B-Q" authors' event was a success.
The authors came with their families or friends. Only a couple came alone, but they were quickly swallowed up in the fellowship of the evening.
The public came with tickets for the bar-b-que meal and money to buy books.
It was a good feeling. We were in one room to talk about writing and books and the creativeness to produce such works of art.
And that creativeness was mentioned when Reverend Hugh Ward, the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, gave the blessing before the meal. His prayer included thanks for people who write and for the creativeness in all of us that comes from God. His prayer touched not only the hearts of the writers, but the readers, also.
It was fun to see the authors from last year's event get together again and talk up a storm, like long lost friends. They looked like they were at a family reunion.
And it was fun to watch the authors talk with people about how their "book of choice" had been inspired. There were smiles on the booklovers' faces as they listened.
An even bigger smile appeared when they brought the book they'd purchased back to the author for their signature and a special message.
Three authors had been asked to give 10-minute talks, but no one really minded if the talks were longer. Before the event began, they'd been given seven questions to answer. Jackie K. Cooper is always a favorite with the Moultrie crowd and the answers to his questions had everyone laughing. Ed McMinn, a newcomer to Moultrie, is a retired pastor and now full-time writer. His answers included how he found his "gimmick" to writing his "die-hard" college fans books. And then Dr. Charles Williams, who grew up in Moultrie, answered his questions by expressing his love for Moultrie, his grandmother, and Southern things to include stinkbugs.
Our fundraiser was so successful, the authors said they'd be back next year. Several will have new books by then. And we here at the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library have promised an even better event for 2010.
We're going to have such fun planning the next authors' event. That's a given.

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