Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!

     This is from the Land of the South to all of you in other parts of the United States and other areas around the world.  We know you're there, because we've seen you in our stats and know where you're viewing from.  That's why I just had to include "y'all" in my greeting. 
     And as for the "Land of the South," I mean South Georgia in the southern part of the United States.  Right now, that's about as far south as I want to go.
      Our library will be closing this afternoon at 5:30 for the Thanksgiving holidays.  We'll be closed until Monday, the 27th, a short but nice little time off for those of us who work here.  This is when I usually wonder where everyone who comes here to use the computers and sit a few hours in our reading area will be on Thanksgiving Day. 
     I'll have family with me on Thanksgiving Day...all the way from across town and from Gainesville, Florida.  Not a real whole lot of travel going on there.
     We'll share good food and good times with each other for the day.  Then they will leave and go back to their jobs the next day, while I'm able to stay home and enjoy my "whatevers"!
     I know many of you do not celebrate the same holidays we do here in the United States.  But I want you to know that on my Thanksgiving Day, I'll be thinking of you, no matter where you are.  And there's no way I could list all of you to give special thanks for.  There are just too many.
     So, even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you'll be happy and free and have a good meal in your belly.
     From me to you...happy thanksgiving, y'all!

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