Tuesday, October 16, 2012


     It's been a long time ago, but I remember what we used to do for Halloween.
     I lived in a small community in Texas and had a group of friends that I ran around with in the neighborhood.
     It was at a time in life when kids always dressed up for Halloween in various frightening (well, we thought so) costumes.  There was no fear of receiving candy laced with razor blades or needles or dis-tasteful tastes.  There was no fear about someone hauling us off, away from our homes and families.  It was just a time for good, clean fun.  We didn't TP houses and bushes and trees.  We didn't "egg" windows or cars.  We just had fun.
     My brother, three years younger than me, and I would always go to the houses in our neighborhood for maybe three or four blocks in each direction.  We knew everyone for blocks around and they knew us.  One year we both dressed up as pirates, one year Indians, and one year hobos, faces with black shoe-polish beards, some of Daddy's old work clothes and boots, and sticks carrying our knap-sacks on the end.  We often carried a medium-sized bag or plastic pumpkin that had a handle.  But most of the time it was just a paper sack. 
     There were no teenagers with pillow cases pushing us aside for the hand-out treats.  Halloween was for kids younger than teenagers. There were no mothers or fathers going along with us.  The whole neighborhood was safe.  In fact, most of the time, us older kids took the hands of the little kids in the neighborhood and watched over them like they were our own brothers and sisters.
     We would go from house to house over that three or four block range and then go home.  Our trip around the neighborhood would be from the beginning of dark, usually about 7 p.m., until we'd walked the entire area.  It usually brought us home about 9 p.m.  Remember, we had the tiny ones with us also.  But once we went home, we didn't go back out again to collect more treats.  There was moderation even in collecting the goodies to eat; no stuffing pillow cases and then going out again for more.  And our parents were definitely watching for us to return also.
     Here in Moultrie now days there are various activities that go on for Halloween.  The Downtown Merchants usually have a "trick or treat" thing going on around the Square.  Many churches hold events inside their churches.  Some organizations have special events for the little ones.  Lots of these events are held during the daylight hours.
     And that brings us to the library.
     This year on Tuesday, October 30th, from 4:30 to 6 p.m., the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library will hold a "Kid's Halloween Draw and Fold" event.
     We're inviting students in the first through third grades to the library for a fun program of folding Halloween origami and drawing some Halloween objects.  There will be time to enjoy a Halloween story and just have a good time.
     But there's something you have to do in order to have all this fun.  Since space is limited to 25 students, you need to call 229-985-6540 to register your child.  Ask for Michele Croft, the Children's Librarian.  Or email her at jmc@mccls.org.  It's as easy as that.  Sorry it couldn't be for more, but 25 kids, all in one place, will be a lot of kids.  And of course, parents are invited to stay for the event, too.
     Plan now to bring your kids to the library for a safe and happy Halloween...it's a place they should always come to for special children's programs. 

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