Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just Another Southern Joke

Maudie's sister moved in with her and the first thing Maudie did was take her to the library.
"If you wanna fit in here in the South, you got to say it right!"
"I DO say it right!"
"No, you don't! You say lie-bray-ree."
"Well, that's right!"
"No it's not!"
"Well, what am I supposed to say?"
"Like it is . . . lie-berry!"
We have all kinds of special ways to say things here in the South. But to us at MCCLS, it doesn't matter how you say it. We just want you to show up and enjoy the multitude of services and activities we have for you here at the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library and the Odom Genealogy Library.

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