Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All Thanksgiving Days Are Special

We are two days away from Thanksgiving Day 2007. This afternoon our library closes early at 5:30 p.m. We will be closed November 21 through 24, with our return to work on Monday the 26th.
Just thinking about Thanksgiving brings warm fuzzies my way. One Thanksgiving Day in particular always comes to mind. My two youngest children had gone off to their father's home for the holiday weekend, and I was left to my own devices. I think I'd made a pot of coffee and had decided to just "muck around" in my housecoat and slippers, watch a little television, read, and take several naps.
I remember the doorbell rang around 10:30 that morning. When I opened the door, there stood my two oldest children. They were both young men and on their own, so I was surprised they were standing at my front door.
Anyhow, when I asked them what they were doing, they said they'd come to take me out to Thanksgiving Day lunch. That really surprised me! But more than being surprised, I was so thankful I didn't have to spend the day all by myself. And I was extremely proud that my sons had thought of me on Thanksgiving Day and invited me to lunch.
Well, I got all dressed up and off we went. We were living in Omaha at the time and it took only about 15 to 20 minutes to get anywhere you wanted to go. Our drive was just down the street, under the bypass, and around the corner into Denny's parking lot. (I'm sure all of you know that Denny's is a restaurant.)
We had turkey and dressing and all the trimmings. We talked and laughed and simply enjoyed being with each other. And we didn't rush over our pie and coffee.
I don't remember the rest of the day or until my youngest children came home on Sunday. But I do remember that particular Thanksgiving Day and my oldest sons taking me out for lunch.
So, this Thanksgiving, because all my grown children live in different states than I do, I plan to share the Thanksgiving Day meal with my "adopted" son, who has no family close by. And guess where we're going for lunch. Yep! You're right! We're going to Denny's!
I hope you have someone to share your Thanksgiving Day with. If your family is a long way off, pick someone you know who will be by themselves also and share the meal. If you like to cook, invite friends and neighbors to get together, bring a dish, and share the meal. Sharing and being thankful for what we have is what it's all about.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your loved ones. May you make happy memories, too.

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