Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do You Have A Family Of Readers?

I always enjoy clicking on the New York Times for a little online reading. Today I watched a video about a family of four - mother, father, daughter and son - who are a family of readers. The video showed them in their family room with Mother curled up in a big chair reading a book, Father sitting on the couch reading a newspaper, and Daughter sitting on another couch beside her brother, both using their computers.
Mother said she and Father go to the library three or four times a week. They read books, newspapers and magazines. Mother said she always had something to read in her tote bag when she leaves the house. However (and I watched this on the video), Daughter and Son were into their computers big time. Mother said she felt they never pick up a book unless it is something they have to read for school. And she felt her daughter was playing games online more than reading.
Son said he liked reading online, because he liked the interaction between readers. He felt if you were reading something in print, you usually were reading by yourself.
Mother said she felt reading in print and online were two entirely different ways of reading. But she was astonished at how much her son did read and how many ways he used his computer to do multiple research.
The great part about the video was that Mother and Son felt reading in whatever form you choose is valuable.
Do you have a family of readers?
I remember when my kids were little, we read lots, especially when we were curled up on the big bed right before naptime. And there was also story reading at bedtime, too. Going to the library was one of the places we went to not only get books, but to enjoy just going out together, like going to the park. Except at the library, we would always come away with something interesting to take home. Today, all my children like to read...two are book readers, two are computer readers. But the important part is they all read.
So, do you have a family of readers? If you would like them to read more, which will help with all kinds of skills they need in their future, bring them to the library. Turn your family into readers...no matter if they are book readers or computer readers. We have computers, too. Check us out.
Make your family a family of readers.

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