Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How's the stress in your life?

     This is National Heart Month, so I bring this information to you as a public service!

     I have a friend who saves articles and clippings from newspapers, magazines, and many other places I don't even know about.  Last week she passed to me an article (yellowing and crumpled) from a newspaper (do not know which) that told about a woman named Rhett Crowe who leads a yoga class while sitting in chairs.  It's a class to minimize workplace stress, but it probably would help in most places you frequent.  The side bar listed some of the stress busters that she offers as tips.  And I'm going to share them with you today, because - after all - it is National Heart Month and we need to save your heart!

     When you feel stress rising:
     * Do a few simple stretches
     * Take 10 deep, slow breaths through your nose
     * Try to shut out your racing thoughts by concentrating on your
     * Envision yourself in a nurturing environment
     * Remember that you are more effective when not under stress (yeah,
        right!); you can take two minutes to regroup
     Ways to help prevent future stress:
     * Exercise regularly; even walking 15 minutes a day makes a difference
     * Eat a healthy and balanced diet
     * Get enough sleep
     * Meditate regularly so you can quiet your mind more easily when it
        begins to race
     * Write down what you really want out of your life - are your actions
        helping or hurting that goal?
     * Put setbacks in perspective; they probably won't ruin your life.

     So, now you have some tips to help lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and hopefully create some peace in your life.

     And if you'd like to have your blood pressure checked for free, come to the library on Tuesday, February 14, from 9:45 to 11:45, or (and) on Tuesday, February 28, from 1:30 to 3:30.  A nurse from Colquitt Regional Medical Center will be available to check that blood pressure and let you know the results.

     While you're here, be sure to check out a good book to read or an audio tape to listen to.  You'd be surprised how much reading, getting into a good book with your imagination, will help reduce the stress in your life.  That's why there are so many book clubs!  Ever think about that?

1 comment:

Library Marketing Design said...

Great tips. The tried and true + a couple others I hadn't heard about. Thank you!