Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dr. Morton Is Quite A History Buff

If you didn't get a chance to visit our library on Monday evening, you missed a great event.
Dr. William J. Morton, who is not only a physician but a lawyer, gave an outstanding talk about the boundaries of Georgia. His book, "The Story of Georgia's Boundaries," tells of exciting events and personalities of the people who helped determine those boundaries. His book reflects centuries of wars, treaties, political maneuvering, litigation, heroic actions, and even human error.
Before a crowd of interested men, women and children, Dr. Morton's slide presentation showed government seals, maps, and photos of researchers and the areas they investigated. He made us laugh, ask questions, and realize how much trouble was taken to finally make the four-sided state we now call Georgia.
His impressive book is the winner of the Georgia Historical Society's 2010 Lilla M. Hawes Award for the best book in Georgia local or county history published in 2008-2009.
And Dr. Morton has been nominated by the Georgia Writers Association for the 46th annual Georgia Author of the Year Award (GAYA) for his book. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony on June 19th at the Kennesaw State University Center in Kennesaw.
We're having a great year of authors so far. Janisse Ray was in January. Dr. Morton in April. And you will be so surprised to see what we have coming for you in May!!! So far, 19 authors all in one place...the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library. Keep tuned...there's more news to come.

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