Wednesday, September 8, 2010

10 simple things

As part of National Library Card Sign-up Month, the Georgia Public Library Service came up with "10 Simple can do to help your library." Why not see if there is anything on this list you can do?
  1. Take a friend or relative - or even a class of youngsters - to the library. Show them what you most enjoy and offer to help them sign up for a library card of their own.
  2. Consider a tax-deductible gift to your library. Libraries and library systems often have memorial programs and endowments that provide opportunities to support and improve library services.
  3. Remember the library in your estate planning.
  4. Sponsor a magazine subscription for the library or donate books - either to the library or to your local Friends organization to raise money for the library.
  5. Volunteer your time. Opportunities could include delivering reading materials to shut-ins, helping children or teens with homework or being a reader to preschool children. Ask your library director or branch manager how you can best help.
  6. Nominate your library as your community's, your company's or your school's project of the year.
  7. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing how important the library is to you - and to your community.
  8. Speak up for libraries at community groups that you belong to, such as the PTA, Chamber of Commerce, and others - even your book club! Invite your library director or branch manager to attend a meeting and talk about your library's services and its needs.
  9. Attend a regular meeting of the city or county commission or other local funding agency and take the opportunity to thank its members publicly for supporting the library. Or send a short note to a council member to let them know how much you use and appreciate the library.
  10. Develop a short "elevator speech" (just a sentence or two) that will help you quickly explain to others why libraries are more important than ever - and use it when you have an opportunity to encourage others to get involved.

The Moultrie-Colquitt County Library System thanks you in advance for doing these 10 simple things. You can help your library! (Source: Georgia Public Library Service,

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