Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Just Learned About "Wardrobing"

This morning while watching the news, I learned a new word. The word is wardrobing. The dictionary said it's the "practice of purchasing an item, using it, then returning it to the store for a refund - most often done with expensive clothing." Retailers, the news said, are trying to combat this problem, because wardrobing is a fraud.
It may be a new word to people, but I heard about this practice many years ago. It seemed to be mostly associated with young women whose salaries did not give them enough money to purchase a new dress each time they went to a wedding or special event.
Once again, I connected this bit of information to our library. Usually when I read or hear about something interesting, I wonder how it might relate to our library. Sure enough, I could do it with wardrobing.
Have you ever gone to a bookstore and found a book that you felt you just couldn't leave without? But you knew you didn't have the money to purchase it. And you tried to figure out how you could get a copy, because you just have to have it! Well, I have the answer to that.
Think of it this way...people are wardrobing when they come to the library and check out books, videos, DVDs, and audio books. But instead of having to pay cash for those items, they show their library cards. They walk away with something they really want and can return it after they've finished with it.
The best part is...this is not considered fraud! It's all legal and a great way to save money. You don't have to feel guilty about what you're doing, because using all the resources your library has to offer is one of the greatest benefits you have in your life.
Believe me, I could practice wardrobing at our library for the rest of my life! Just remember, your library card is better than cash when you want that book from the bookstore you can't afford.

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