Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Josh Nobles Is December Employee Of The Month

It was no surprise to many of his fellow employees when director Melody Jenkins announced Josh Nobles as the December Employee of the Month.
With a shy expression and big grin, he accepted the boutonniere Melody pinned to his shirt. He also received a gold Georgia Library bookmark and library pin. However, it was felt the special employee parking spot would be given to others, since Josh rides his bike to work.
Josh Nobles was born in Jacksonville, Florida, but lived in Pelham, Georgia between the ages of 8 and 19. It was while attending church in Moultrie that he met Irene Godwin, the Odom Library genealogist. Through her he heard about a job opening with the main library. On August 1, 2007, he was hired to work as a Bookmobile
When asked what he likes best about the Bookmobile, he said, "I love to drive, but I also like the people. They really appreciate the books coming to them, since many can't make it to the library."
Josh and his co-worker, Sheila Houston, travel in the Bookmobile year round to eight county schools and on twelve home routes. During the summer, they take the Bookmobile out for the Summer Reading Program. But when not on the road or processing books for the Bookmobile, he helps at the circulation desk in the main
Josh is a multi-talented, young man. He's not only good at helping patrons with the computers, but also by helping our Hispanic patrons. He speaks fluent Spanish.
Before the library, Josh worked with a surveyor, as a pre-school aide, and as a Tift County school interpreter. He said he learned Spanish in Phoenix when he helped with community services as a
"I like working at the library for lots of reasons," he said. "I like helping people. And there's less stress here than at most jobs." In this day and age, he admitted the regular hours and regular pay help tremendously also.
Josh's hobbies are sleeping, eating, biking, swimming, and writing. Among his many talents, he is a published author. He has written two books; the first published in 2008 with the second coming out in February 2009.
Way to go, Josh!!!

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