Tuesday, February 5, 2008

VOTE! It's Super Tuesday!

I'm sure you've heard the same thing. "I'm voting for Obama because he's black." "I'm voting for Clinton because she's a woman." "I'm voting for McCain because he's a soldier." "I'm voting for Romney because he's a businessman."
This is SUPER TUESDAY! The day many of us will vote for the person we want to be President of the United States. That is an awesome
And for that reason, I'm hoping you will take the time to vote. And vote for the right reason...for the person you feel is best qualified to be President of the United States. Not the person who is black or a woman or a soldier or a businessman. But the person most qualified to be our President.
Think about that for a while. Then go out there and VOTE! It's Super Tuesday and your vote counts!
And remember what a privilege it is to be able to vote in this country called the United States of America.

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