Thursday, July 24, 2008

How About "Just Be Nice" As Our Library Motto?

Several of us were standing around talking the other day about the condition of the world in general and our space in particular. One staff member said, "If people would just be nice to others, it would make all the difference in the world." In other words, don't be offensive toward nice.
And we listed some of the things we've noticed in our library that could be worked on:
* There should be no bare chests showing on the women. It's embarrassing to others.
* There should be no bare fannies showing on anyone due to low-rise pants. That's more embarrassing!
* There should be no talking on cell phones, no matter if you're at a computer or standing in the hall. That's invading the quiet many people expect at a library. And the rule is to take the cell phone into the foyer or outside the building to talk, or put the phone on vibrate and take the call later. (This is another blog all by itself!)
* No one should bother another person by talking loud, running in the halls, ignoring their children who holler and cry, or making a mess in the bathroom and not cleaning it up.
* Patrons should not keep books past a due date without renewing their time. Others may be waiting for the book that is past due.
* No one should write in a book, or leave it where it can be torn or spilled on.
* And no one should get upset when library staff ask them to: take their cell phone out of the library, not talk with others while at the computers, retrieve their crying child from the Children's Library, or pay a late fine for an overdue item.
There are more things we discussed, but you get the idea.
That's when the staff member said, "If people would just be nice to others, thoughtful and respectful of others, like they want to be treated, then the world would be a better place. And especially at our library."
"After all," she said, "do you know who this library belongs to? It belongs to all of us."
Well, we didn't say, "Amen!" but she was right.
We have rules to try to make the library a nice place for everyone. If all of us can remember to JUST BE NICE in the library, maybe it will slowly seep out into other public places, into the community, into everyone's daily lives.
Now, wouldn't that be nice?

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