Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Controversy May Not Be Worth It

I told my friend Nancy the other day that I didn't think anyone read this blog. She told me it didn't create any controversy.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Well," she said (and I could see the wheels turning in her head), "like when we talked the other day about that woman with lipstick on her teeth, and that guy in the restaurant with food stuck in his teeth. Stuff like that."
"That's not controversial!" I said. "I talked about that woman the other day whose shirt tag was sticking up, and I politely tucked it in. I know I'd want someone to do that for me, and tell me about the lipstick on my teeth, as well as the stuck food. But that's not controversial."
"Yeh, but we both know it gets worse," Nancy said with a little smirk.
"Like what?" I asked. "Besides, I have to tie the blog in with library stuff."
She smiled. I thought it was a kind of evil-looking smile.
"OK," she said. "How about all those people who come into the library with B.O. and bad breath?"
"OK," I said. "There are some."
"And don't you have someone with toilet paper hanging from their shoe once in a while?"
"Well, haven't you seen a woman with her skirt hiked up to there?"
"Well, yes."
"And a guy who accidently forgot to zip up his pants?"
"Don't you have people come in with dirty eyes and boogers and long nose-hairs and hairy ears?"
"Oh, yeah. I do remember a guy like that."
"And how about all those old guys that sleep on the couches all day long."
"Well, they do that for sure!"
"And those people who sit at the computers with their pants down to there and their shirts up to here, and you can see their plumber's anatomy!"
"Oh, yeah! We do get to see that!"
Nancy smiled her evil grin again. "See, I told you so. Now, those are things you can write about that are controversial."
After she left, I sat there thinking about what she said. But you know, even if we do have people come into the library like that, the controversy may not be worth it.


Ann said...

Great Blog, sounds like a typical day at the local library.

Aileen said...

Maybe banned books would be more controversial then again maybe we don’t need to push that…I know! What about using cell phones in the library?