Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Is A Life? Genealogy Tells!

We've been working on next month's displays and events, because next month is Family History Month. All this made me think how much it ties in with genealogy and digging up the past.
Lots of folks don't like to do that. However, there are many of us who do and because of that, October will be an interesting month here at the library.
But more about that later.
There is also a group of writers who meet here once a month. This month author Keith Taylor will talk to them about memoirs and how to write them. That's getting your past down in writing, even if you don't leave it for the whole wide world. But I bet your family will be interested in what you have to say. They'll be interested to see if it's the same as they remembered it.
If you need help in writing those memoirs, check out Writing Your Life Story by Bernard Selling (808.066S). We have a few other books along that line also.
I've always been interested in other people's lives, which make me a lover of biographies. If you check around in our bookshelves, you'll find a great many, such as these:
The Woman Said Yes: Encounters with Life and Death Memoirs by Jessamyn West (B West),
The Story of My Life by Clarence Darrow (B Darrow), and
Rebel Prince Memoirs by Louis Ferdinand (B Ferdinand).
Be sure you look in the Odom Genealogical Library also. There you'll find:
Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honorable Sir James MacKintosh (G16.4 MI, II) and
Memories by Robert Barr (G16.3B). And a great many more.
We have biographies of many famous people...Tennessee Williams, Gloria Vanderbilt, Liz Taylor, Norman Vincent Peale, Willie Mays, the Kennedys, Robert Frost, General Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr., Princess Di, the Bush Family, and Alan Alda, to name a few.
We even have biographies of people just as interesting, but whose names you might not have heard of until you see them on our shelves. Interesting reading, all of them.
Maybe reading biographies will make you wonder if you should write your memoirs.
What is a life? Why not tell your loved ones about yours? Leave something for the genealogy buffs to enjoy.

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