Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Children Are Meeting Peanut, The Library Dog

The Children's Library has been all abuzz lately about Peanut Butter McKellar.
Peanut, as his owner, Miss Norma, our Children's Librarian, calls him, is a black and tan dashchund. Norma said he's called a "tweener-weiner," because he's between a regular and miniature
dashchund in size.
Peanut is one year old with a birthday of October 20th. Miss Norma got him when he was four months old. He weighs almost 13 pounds, is very friendly, and doesn't growl. He has big black eyes, long floppy ears, little tan dots on his cheeks, and a tail that doesn't stop moving, unless he's sitting very still with Miss Norma.
Miss Norma said he is growing up to be a reading therapy dog. That doesn't mean he reads, but it does mean he listens. She said he is in training at Pet Smart in Valdosta and they have gone through one class already. He's so smart, he is now moving up into the intermediate class.
The program in the Children's Library this month is called "Be Paws-ative." So far, six groups of little children have seen Peanut. Many are eager to pet him, but some are cautious; only a few get very concerned.
Peanut is a delightful little puppy, most eager to share his doggy kisses. He's going to be in close competition with the Library Mouse, a creature I'm sure he'd love to give doggy kisses to also.

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